Feature Film Jury

Adorján Portik a Berlin-based designer, architect and art director

Adorján Portik He is the creator behind a few design brands of several chairs and lamps, inventor and developer of the Building Construction System “Freeform Buildings” and with more than twenty years of architecture practice experience.

His philosophy stands for contemporary, minimal and unique forms, he was acknowledged by the Art Directors Guild among the winners for excellence in Production Design for the Television Series “Foundation” (2020), and he was Art Directing in the Oscar winner for Production Design Dune Part One (2021), than in the successful Dune Part Two (2023). He was invited lecturer at Art Department Masterclass Vilnius and at the Technical University of Timisoara in Romania. As supervising art director has a major part in the creation, budgeting and construction supervision of the Art Department.

One of the most challenging and sensitive topics to him is sustainable and innovative design. As an architect he is interested in ecology, consumerism and popularization of the idea of sustainability in creative processes. To reach this goal, Adorjan edited a radio show “Green Coffee, Sustainable Design” and belongs to several Sustainable and Green Building Associations.