Fine art jury

Márton Barabás

Márton Barabás Márton Barabás was born in 1952 in Budapest. Between 1966-70 he studied graphic art at the Secondary School of Fine and Applied Arts, and after a year of working in the printing industry he studied painting at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts. In 2012 he received his doctorate (DLA) at the University of Fine Arts.

Between 2010-17, he taught ornamentation history, art anatomy, drawing and painting at the Budapest College of Communication, later known as the Budapest Metropolitan University. For four years he was the head of the Department of Pictorial Illustration. He was awarded with Mihály Munkácsy Prize in 1999 and the Príma Prize in 2021. He was the curator of the fine arts section of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts exhibition called Soul-Present-Life, held at the Today Art Museum in Beijing in 2018.

In addition to painting, he also makes sculptures, constructed photographs, artist books and installations. In 2020, he had a solo exhibition at the Haus der Musik in Vienna as part of the WienBeethoven2020 series. Between 2021-2022, his works were on show at the Kunsthalle under the title Countdown.

Kati Glaser animation film director

Kati Glaser In 2001, she graduated from the Secondary School of Fine and Applied Arts in Painting. In 2007, she studied Graphic Design at the Athens University of Fine Arts, as part of the Erasmus programme.

In 2008, he graduated in Animation at MOME, as well as in Visual Environment Culture and Teaching.

After his diploma film and his first independent film, he has been working on his TV series Urban Legends since 2013, which could be made into a TV film version in 2020. The last series of the series was completed in 2024.

György Lukácsy

György Lukácsy Born in 1981 in Budapest. He graduated in aesthetics from Pázmány Péter Catholic University, then attended the Faludi Ferenc Academy, the Jesuit Order's adult education institute, where he studied film history and aesthetics.

From 2008, he worked for ten years as a film critic and editor of Heti Válasz, and also published studies in magazines and was a regular expert for the cultural channels of public television.

In 2018, he co-authored and edited the book The Passion of Chisimlyon - A Pilgrimage of a Performance, published by MMA Publishing House. He is the editor and scriptwriter of several documentaries and online series.

Since 2019, he has been a deputy member of the National Film Institute's Film Selection Committee. He has taught at the Farkas Edit Roman Catholic Vocational School in Keszthely and as a lecturer at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, the Károli Gáspár Reformed University and the University of Theatre and Film Arts. Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Zoltán Huszárik Foundation.

His most recent film is 1968 - A Reconstruction of Love, which he co-directed with Anikó Maria Nagy.